Queering industry: How LGBTQIA+ businesses are trans-forming tech
First published on SEXTECHGUIDE, 2020. Read the original article here.
Does technology have a problem with diversity? Like most big industries rooted in mainstream history – being typically white, male, cis-centric and heteronormative – it’s not surprising that ‘Big Tech‘ struggles with assuaging the needs of marginalized communities.
What’s special about technology, however, is its ability to transform society by creating tools for elevating the human condition. It’s an ability that isn’t always wielded in the most effective, or beneficial, ways.
We spoke to a variety of people, from tech founders, app owners, sex tech entrepreneurs and ex-Silicon Valley escapees to discuss the importance of an LGBTQ+ revolution in the tech industry, and what the future of queer tech looks like.
The Importance of Diverse Technologies
Intersectionality in Tech
Transgender Identities in Tech
Transphobia in Tech
Queer Censorship
How Queerness Can Disrupt Tech
The Future of Queer Tech